Warriors getting destroyed by Thunder is a reminder of why we love sports

**This post isn’t to analyze how the Thunder are playing so well and how the Warriors are playing so poorly. This is just me looking at this series as a reminder of the fun of sports. 


After watching the Golden State Warriors get destroyed in the last two games, the discussion continues on whether or not the team will choke against the Oklahoma City Thunder.

After all, the Warriors were heralded as the greatest team of all time with their new style of basketball. They have the 73 wins and Stephen Curry won MVP unanimously. Everything about this team told you that they were going to win the championship again and cement their legacy.

But of course, that would be foolish for me or anyone to really think that any of that was going to be a guarantee. Even if the Warriors had the best record. Even if they had the best player. There is always that predictable unpredictability in sports and the Thunder are giving it to them.

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