The Utah Jazz really screwed up with the sleeve jersey

The home and road are fine. In fact, they look pretty nice with the 66-degree angle thing. The alternate isn’t too bad either although I am not digging the font.

Oh but the sleeve Pride soccer-looking set is terrible. I know they want to pay homage to the past but this looks ugly. It doesn’t belong on the court and surely it doesn’t really even look that pleasing. Now maybe if the sleeves were gone I can like it. But they are there so I dislike it a lot. Adidas is falling hard in their final season.

LeBron James rips the sleeves off his jersey and instantly becomes a hero to all

Adidas’ sleeved jerseys are stupid. We awaited the day that LeBron James, who had complained about it before, would do something about it.

He did.

Even though he did say that he ripped out of frustration, the message is still loud and clear. The sleeves suck.


Those new black Hornets uniforms work surprisingly well

Let me once again emphasize how much I hate sleeves on NBA uniforms.

With that said, if we ignore that element for this new set for the Hornet, we actually have a great design.

I have always liked blue and black together. Mostly a light blue and black combo is very pleasing to the eye and the use of teal and black for this Hornets set is really good. Using their “pride” nickname and having a simple design gives this alternate a very nice touch. I like the stripingย that crosses down the side.

For an alternate, it’s simple and even though black has never been part of the Hornets identity, it works for an alternate like this. Do they need it? No. Is it silly to have black and sleeves? Yes. But if they are going to go that route, at least they did it well.

Adam Silver to consider nixing sleeved jerseys with enough player opposition

LeBron James can be our savior and nix the sleeves forever!

Stephen Curry wants to rid of ‘Short Sleeve Saturdays’

Stephen Curry has voiced his displeasure about the sleeve jerseys when they debuted last season. Other players have voiced it this season too. But Adidas and the NBA continue to push it and it appears that it might be around for a while.

Since the Warriors have won 21 road games, the last one coming off a frantic comeback win over the Blazers, Stephen Curry was asked about whether or not the Warriors should switch out their home white jerseys and wear their road duds for their next home game.

“Short Sleeve Saturdays should be gone,” Curry said (2:13 mark in above clip). “And we should wear our blue roadies for the rest of the year.”

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The NBA’s biggest star complains about the sleeves — can we get rid of them now?

“I don’t want the wear sleeves!”

There have been multiple players that have complained about the NBA jerseys with sleeves. LeBron James has talked about it before but last night, after a 19-point performance and loss against the Spurs, spoke up against it again.

“I’m not making excuses, but I’m not a big fan of the jerseys. Every time I shoot it feels like it’s just pulling right up underneath my arm. I already don’t have much room for error on my jump shot. It’s definitely not a good thing.”

When will the NBA and Adidas listen? The gimmick is terrible and unnecessary. But they continue to roll them out, thinking that it’s accepted by fans.

Until they do so, players will continue to complain about it. They’ll find an excuse to blame it. Athletes are creatures of habit and disrupting their feel when wearing a jersey is a big no-no. Shame on you, NBA and Adidas.

NBA All-Star Game jerseys leaked and we have more sleeves courtesy of Adidas

EDIT: The NBA makes it official.


We knew sleeves were going to be included in the All-Star game jerseys this year. But I didn’t realize the entire set would look like crap. Seriously, does Adidas not know what is considered fashionable? Check out the link above as the jerseys have been leaked by a French basketball site.

I don’t want to go too much into detail as to what bothers me because it’s pretty easy to see what is wrong. We have sleeves. We have no number on the front, just the logo. The back is cluttered with two logos, a name and a number. Random one shoulder stripe? Three stripes down the side because Adidas wants to remind you that they are making this. And the three stripes on the three stripes. And also, that incomplete colored collar just looks so amateur.

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Report: NBA to make all โ€œheritageโ€ jerseys sleeved ones next season

Adidas needs to stop it. I actually like what Portland and Detroit have for their heritage jerseys but this is going to ruin them.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Whatever you’re celebrating today, enjoy and be safe.

And if you want, you can catch all the sleeves nonsense on TV today.

The NBA and Adidas’ desire to produce more sleeved abominations

Yes, NBA and Adidas. Please tell me how these are great designs for a basketball uniform! It is so great to see something so innovative in a sport that demands something like this.

Oh Adidas, you are one of a kind.


My goodness these are horrible.

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