Oakland A’s Instagram doesn’t like Reggie Jackson


Reggie Jackson spent a lot of good years of his Hall of Fame career in Oakland. But in his retirement, Jackson has been an ambassador for the New York Yankees and always supports them. Even whenever he comes to Oakland, he wear his Yankees gear as he remains part of the club. It’s no surprise he would but the A’s throwing shade in his direction like this was something I didn’t expect to see. It’s not like the A’s don’t acknowledge Jackson. But it’s just surprising that they would make that comment.

Athletics share quote on Instagram with typo


The Athletics just shared the above quote from The Sandlot. It’s a good quote except for one problem: they misspelled “heroes.”

However, if the quote was referring to the delicious sandwich, then it’s not a misspelling. But I don’t think Babe Ruth was talking about sandwiches.

Or maybe he was?

Lakers embrace social media in their shooting shirts

This isn’t the first time social media has been used in team outfits. The Lakers are taking that with their social media night and it’s pretty neat. I am all for handles being used in warmup clothing and so forth, just not for actual in-game stuff.

#Embrace the future of marketing.

Warriors wearing Twitter handle shirts for Social Media Night on Saturday

Are you ready for Social Media Night?

The Warriors are having Social Media Night on Saturday and they’re making sure everyone is connected.

Players will warm up in shirts with their Twitter handles on them. You can buy those shirts too! (I think is smart marketing and brand recognition.)

Interactive social media fun live a scavenger hunt, tweets being displayed on the screen and a Instagram photo contest are all part of the festivities. But it doesn’t end there. Texting gloves will be given to early birds and a Facebook check-in allows you to have a Q&A with point guard Jarrett Jack.

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Enough with the #Tebowing and #Griffining and whatever

I get it, but I don’t want any more of it.

If you haven’t heard yet, the new cool hip thing (with #hashtag) in the NFL world is #Griffining. That’s named after Robert Griffin III’s touchdown celebration from last Sunday. It’s sitting up and pointing to the sky.

It has blown up on the Internet and it’s this season’s version of 2011’s “#Tebowing” (getting on one knee to pray). Both these celebrations are a product of a popular player and copying everything that they do.

With Tebow, they had sites and TV segments dedicated to this one action. I really hope that it ends soon. Adding “-ing” to the end of a person’s name in calling a touchdown

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Kenny Britt Posted His Fine Sheet On Instagram

One of my fears about the growth of social media is also the growth of stupidity. Especially with famous people, like athletes, there needs to be some kind of tutorial they need to take in order to learn what they should and shouldn’t do.

Kenny Britt is a prime example of stupid. Publicly complaining about your employer on social media, then deleting it thinking nobody saw it is not going to fly. With his history of off-field problems, add another stupid thing this guy has done in his short time in the NFL.

Joe Montana's Right Arm

Tennessee Titans wide receiver Kenny Britt has an increasingly long rap sheet that includes high-speed car chases and DUI charges.

His latest transgression took place on Wednesday when Britt took to Instagram to express his displeasure over a near $10,000 fine for missing a meeting with a club trainer.

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