My predictions for Super Bowl Sunday

Will Tom Brady be flustered on Sunday?

The Super Bowl is here and it’s time for those predictions. This should be a close game featuring the best of the best versus a team with a bunch of surprises throughout their playoff run.

Here are some things I look forward to in this game.

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Monday morning hangover: Super Bowl LI edition

Accept the truth. Tom Brady is the G.O.A.T.

It’s crazy to think that since his first Super Bowl win in the 2001 season to this win from this season, Brady has established himself as the greatest of all time. He has been consistent and he has been unbelievably good. That’s seven Super Bowl appearances and five wins. He has four Super Bowl MVP wins as well.

He is fortunate to have that kind of stability. Bill Belichick has been a solid rock in the Patriots organization. The players have bought in to the system. It works and the Patriots are reaping the benefits of it.

The debate of whether or not Brady is better than Joe Montana has been put to rest. Even in my most biased state of being a 49ers fan, I can’t argue anymore. Brady is the greatest. Montana may have never lost a Super Bowl but Montana never played so well for so long. Plus, Brady has had a wheel of changes to the roster and still made players around him better.

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My predictions for Super Bowl Sunday

Matt Ryan vs Tom Brady

The Super Bowl is here and it’s time for those predictions. This should be a great game featuring the best offense in the league vs the best defense in the league.

Here are some things I look forward to in this game.

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My predictions for today’s championship games in the NFL

Who’s going to the Super Bowl? Check out my predictions below.

We should expect a shootout.



We are in for a huge blessing of a game. Offensively, Aaron Rodgers is playing at a level that is simply amazing. After an early struggle to to the season, Rodgers is now throwing with tremendous strength and accuracy. Despite not having Jordy Nelson, he has made his other receivers look great. Davante Adams and Randall Cobb both must play at their best to give this Packers offense a chance. Ty Montgomery has transitioned well into a running back and that’s how the Packers offense can succeed: a balanced attack. The Pack have given Rodgers some strong protection and they have to do so in order to give themselves a legitimate chance to score. And I expect a lot of points.

But the Falcons are no slouch either. Their historically amazing offense features Matt Ryan, Julio Jones and a great tandem of Tevin Coleman and Devonta Freeman. What makes this Falcons offense so much more dangerous is the emergence of Mohamed Sanu as a reliable second option. Additionally for the Falcons, they will have the benefit of playing at home, giving both sides of the ball the best opportunities to call out plays. The Falcons have that cloud of past failures over them. This team is the best team the Falcons have ever assembled. Can they finally get to the Super Bowl?

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My predictions for Saturday’s Divisional round games

Here are my predictions for the second round of the playoffs.

The Seahawks defeated the Falcons 26-24 earlier this year.


Matt Ryan and the Falcons boost one of the top offenses in NFL history (scored the eighth-most points in a season) and I don’t think that they will stop. Ryan and Julio Jones have been tremendous all year. The running game with Tevin Coleman and Devonta Freeman has given the Falcons a great balance. But going up against the Seahawks defense will be tough. If the pressure gets to Ryan early, it could be a tough game for them.

The Seahawks beat the Falcons earlier this season at home. But now they are on the road, which has not been one of the team’s strongest suits this year. Russell Wilson is still playing well but there are times poor playcalling and bad execution can lead to some short drives. Thomas Rawls was huge last week for the Seahawks and in order for the Seahawks to win, he has to step up and do it again. Seattle can’t afford to make this a one-dimension attack. They can carve up the Atlanta secondary, but they need to balance the attack to have a chance.

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My predictions for today’s championship games in the NFL

Who’s going to the Super Bowl? Check out my predictions below.

They meet again.


Are you sick of this narrative? I hope not. This may be the last time we will see Tom Brady and Peyton Manning face each other in a game. The stakes are at the highest for these two once again and we could see another classic game.

Manning is still working his way back into football shape but appears to have gotten it back just in time. He didn’t look all too great last week but the defense and the running game kept the Broncos against the Steelers. But in order for the Broncos to have any change, the receivers cannot afford to have so many dropped passes. It will be on them ad the defense to give the Broncos a chance.

Brady seems to have a better offensive game plan working for him. Much like the Broncos, the receivers have to make the catches. Julian Edelman has to avoid the early yips to get the Patriots offense going. Without an established running attack, could we see a continuation of a committee or the Patriots trying to focus more on passing? I think the passing game will still be big and Rob Gronkowski will be in the middle of it all.

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My predictions for Saturday’s Divisional round games

Here are my predictions for the second round of the playoffs.

The Chiefs pass rush could frustrate Tom Brady.


This might be one of the best games of the year. The New England Patriots get their first crack in the playoffs at defending their title against a Chiefs team that is so well-rounded. Of course, the Chiefs don’t feature an explosive offense but because they are so meticulous in moving the ball down the field without turning the ball over, that makes them so dangerous. Alex Smith is playing well and the passing game with Travis Kelce is looking good. This is what will be the key for the Chiefs.

The defense will have a big task trying to stop Tom Brady and the Patriots offense. The pass rush will be the key in flustering Brady. But if Brady has the time in the pocket, expect to see him dissect the Chiefs secondary. Will Rob Gronkowski go off for a big game? We will see.

Both teams will have to rely on a strong running game to keep the momentum of the game on their side. The team that can establish that early, and with solid field position through special teams, will have the edge in the game.

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Somehow out of all this, Tom Brady is the underdog who won

The Patriots, for the most part, are a team that nobody likes outside of Massachusetts. Yet somehow when they had to fight against an entity that is more hated — the commissioner — the Patriots are the underdogs.

Sure, the Patriots cheated but in a sense, they still were being hunted down by the guy nobody likes. Tom Brady is one of those people that just seems to have everything right go for him. So when Roger Goodell decided to go after him, Brady somehow turned into the underdog.

With the decision to lift the suspension, Brady is the bad guy that you cheer for. He’s the Heath Ledger’s Joker and Goodell is the boring Batman. In a way, the attempt at justice seemed too boring and the people wanted a renegade.

Still, Goodell will always be public enemy No. 1 in the league no matter what. Even when he attempts to do the right thing and correct the wrongs of the league, his recent failures will cloud his image. He didn’t have to try to take out Brady. Now that he did try to fix what was wrong and failed, his image as the bad guy grew. Brady, the guy nobody really liked, somehow is the one we’re cheering for.

Super Bowl XLIX may have been the greatest Super Bowl ever

The pick that ended it all.

For years I have been claiming that Super Bowl XXXII was the greatest Super Bowl of all time. It had all the elements to a great storyline. Aging legend John Elway fighting for his last chance to win the big game. The Packers were trying to win their second straight Super Bowl. Terrell Davis, with a migraine, was the MVP. Helicopter dive. Down to the wire ending. The game was the greatest Super Bowl game ever.

Today, I think Super Bowl XLIX takes the top spot.

The game I just witnessed also had a great storyline. With the Deflategate scandal still in people’s minds, we have Tom Brady and Bill Belichick chasing history. We have an amazing defense trying to repeat as champions for their team. Both teams were evenly matched and this was expected to be a great game. The comeback win, especially the ending, will have people talking for years.

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My predictions for Super Bowl Sunday

Who’s going to be mad at the end of the game?

The Super Bowl is here and it’s time for those predictions. It’s going to be a good matchup and this will come down to the playcalling from two very smart head coaches. This is what a perfect Super Bowl matchup is all about.

Here are some things I look forward to in this game.

  1. The first focus of the game will be Marshawn Lynch. How will the Patriots be able to contain him? I think Marshawn could go for over 100 yards.
  2. On the other side, the Patriots running game will rely on LeGarrette Blount and Shane Vereen. Both aren’t feature backs but could they both be a strong two-headed monster to help the Patriots?
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