Mark Canha’s “bat flip” is a dumb debate

On Saturday, Oakland A’s pinch-hitter Mark Canha hit a go-ahead two-run homer vs the Giants. After the swing, he “flipped” his bat, stared at his own dugout before trotting the bases.

People are upset about the flip.

Of course, these “unwritten rules” debates have existed for some time. Some people are upset that Canha shouldn’t show up a pitcher and he should expect to get a pitch thrown at his body the next time up.

Other feel that it’s OK to have emotion during the game and the best way to avoid a bat flip is to not give up a home run. After all, pitchers can show emotions after a strikeout but a batter can’t do it after a big hit?

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Terrell Owens vs the Hall of Fame: The battle of pettiness

Now I agree with many people that Terrell Owens should attend his own Hall of Fame induction ceremony. It is a great honor to be recognized and it would great to hear him speak about his great career.

But of course, this opportunity should have happened two years ago. Owens is one of the greatest wide receivers in NFL history and should have been a first-ballot induction. But he wasn’t. It was due to his reputation off the field that soured the voters which led to the wait.

Owens understandably was not happy about being snubbed because of this. Even though his attitude during his playing days was not great, his skills and stats as a player are worthy of entry in first year.

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The mixed feelings of LeBron James going to the Lakers

I remember the feeling I had when I watched “The Decision” in 2010. It was on my birthday and I sat at my dinner table with my parents. They didn’t really care but I was watching in disgust as the whole televised event played out.

The disgust wasn’t really about the actual decision to join the Heat, but rather it was on LeBron James’ whole attention-seeking act. I still didn’t like the move to Miami, but I understood it.

This time around, there is another disgust about LeBron James leaving Cleveland again. But it wasn’t because of this televised announcement. He didn’t have one. And I don’t fault him for leaving after finally delivering a championship to Cleveland.

No. It’s because he’s joining the Lakers.

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