Bay Bridge series trophy is cool but not necessary

It was announced that the regular season Bay Bridge series between the A’s and Giants will now feature a trophy to the series winner.

Here are the rules

  1. The Bridge will be awarded to the team that wins more games in the regular-season Bay Bridge Series.
  2. If the series finishes tied, the winner of the final game shall win The Bridge.
  3. If one or more games is postponed and the series has not yet been clinched, The Bridge will not be awarded until the postponed game(s) can be made up. If the postponed game(s) can not be made up, the standing of the series at the end of the season shall determine the winner of The Bridge. Whether or not postponed games are made up, if the series ends in a tie, the team that wins the final game will be awarded The Bridge.

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Oakland A’s to charge Giants fans $50 for parking for no good reason

With the annual exhibition game between the A’s and Giants in Oakland coming up, it will be a great way for the Bay to prepare for the upcoming baseball season. Additionally, the Warriors are playing at home that day too so the parking lot will be packed.

The A’s decided to use this situation to get back at Giants fans.

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Richard Sherman: Public Enemy No. 1 joins the 49ers

The infamous turkey incident will forever be embedded in the minds of 49ers fans. 

I remember when I first met Richard Sherman. It was the local pro day and Sherman, a cornerback from Stanford who might get drafted in the mid rounds, was putting on a show. He and Shane Vereen were the two that impressed me the most. Sherman was a wide receiver who converted to cornerback. He wore this really bright red cleats that day, reminding me of Dorothy trying to get back home.

That image made me wonder if Sherman could wear more red in his NFL career. With Jim Harbaugh as the 49ers head coach and having coached Sherman, it seemed like it was inevitable. I wrote down in my recap for the story I was writing that the team that drafts Sherman would get a steal.

He went to Seattle and they benefited tremendously from him.

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49ers helmet design inconsistencies of the 1990s — an investigation

This post was inspired by a thread on

In 1996, the San Francisco 49ers introduced a new uniform set partially inspired by their 1994 throwbacks. These new uniform featured a new logo, drop shadows and white pants.

One of the major changes was the addition of black to the helmet stripe. The 49ers removed the red-white-red helmet stripe and introduced a black-red-black stripe pattern to match the new white pants.

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