ESPN thinks Team USA will be hampered against China because there is “too much yellow”

“Red, white and blue will be hampered by the existence of too much yellow…”

That was what was said when talking about USA’s matchup against China. I am pretty sure it was about yellow cards, but come on! That was just poor wording and unintentional racism.

Those new black Hornets uniforms work surprisingly well

Let me once again emphasize how much I hate sleeves on NBA uniforms.

With that said, if we ignore that element for this new set for the Hornet, we actually have a great design.

I have always liked blue and black together. Mostly a light blue and black combo is very pleasing to the eye and the use of teal and black for this Hornets set is really good. Using their “pride” nickname and having a simple design gives this alternate a very nice touch. I like the striping that crosses down the side.

For an alternate, it’s simple and even though black has never been part of the Hornets identity, it works for an alternate like this. Do they need it? No. Is it silly to have black and sleeves? Yes. But if they are going to go that route, at least they did it well.

These new Atlanta Hawks uniforms aren’t that bad really

The AJC has gotten their hands on the new Hawks uniforms and they are exactly what was expected after some guessing from their Christmas uniforms.

I’m going to look at each of these jerseys individually and tell you what I like and don’t like about them.


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Attending the Warriors parade was an amazing experience for me

The Warriors winning the championship was a dream come true to me and naturally I had to find a way to the parade. I knew that it was going to be hard to get up to the Bay from LA but I figured it out. I would take a midnight bus from LA up to Oakland. I arrived at the West Oakland BART station at 6:20 in the morning and took a one station stop to Lake Merritt.

Walking to the rally location was quite an adventure. There were people camping their spots at least a few hours before I even got there and trying to find my friends was really difficult. But once I got to a nice spot on the grass with the lake right behind me, it was a great view of the stage.

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My initial thoughts on the new Sixers uniforms

It’s here. The 76ers have unveiled their new uniforms and it isn’t much of a drastic change from their previous ones. They have taken some elements of uniforms past and created this new identity. You can check out the gallery here.

I’ll first say that the use of “PHILA” on the front is a nice touch but I don’t like it. I always associate that with the old school and for some reason, I feel that this is forced. All other elements of the uniform look pretty nice.

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The official MLB All-Star Game pillbox caps are even worse than the concept ones

Remember when these concept caps leaked? While predictable in design, it was at least pretty decent for what it was. But that was a fan concept.

Now we know what the actual caps look like and you can see a link to all of them above.

The problem here is the front panel matching the team jersey of white or gray. That doesn’t match anything the Reds ever wore. Then the stripes not even going around the entire circumference of the cap makes it worse. This is poorly designed and would look terrible on a professional player.

But money talks and that’s what MLB is going for.

Clippers unveil new ugly logo, uniforms

For a long time we knew what the Clippers new logo would look like. The team officially unveiled the new logo and uniforms on their website. You can go onto the site and read their reasoning for their design of the logo.

Well, the logo is not great and it is exactly what we expected. But the uniforms look terrible.

The home uniform look boring and unimaginative. The road reds just look confusing. What’s with the CLA logo and the number being placed like that? It’s not good.

I have no idea who approved of this but it is clearly one of the worst, if not the worst, identities in the league.

The Warriors’ championship run taught me the beautiful lesson of patience

Patience is hard to come by when you’re a fan of a franchise that has struggled to reach the top for 40 years. It’s hard to believe that something good can happen when everything wrong has happened. I didn’t think that the enduring pain of seeing the Warriors falter for so many years would go away.

Yet tonight, all that pain and suffering was washed away. Just like that.

Being a Warriors fan wasn’t easy growing up. I was in first grade when I mimicked my first basketball player. That was Chris Mullin. I thought the Warriors were the best. But in the following years, we would see bad trades, bad coaches and bad play. Yet I stuck with them. I didn’t know any better. But I knew that they were the team I fell in love with first and I would stick with them. They were my home team. They represented me. I represented them.

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The Warriors are so close and I can’t contain myself

Last night, I was a madman. I must have disturbed my neighborhood full of Lakers and Clippers fans with my yelling. I screamed, I was calling for blood as the Warriors were trying to put away the Cavs in Game 5.

You should have heard me scream for blood when Draymond Green sat on Matthew Dellavedova’s cranium. You should have heard me scream when Andre Iguodala made that improbable flip layup late in the game. You should have seen me yell “In your face!” when Curry nailed that late trey from Fremont.

It started to sink in that the Warriors are that close. That close to erasing 40 years of frustration. They are that close to bringing a championship to the Bay Area. The Warriors are the team that the Bay can agree upon as their team. This team has united the Bay and I am so proud to be a part of this fan base.  Continue reading

I am in Mew’s newest music video ‘The Night Believer’

Mew was a band I discovered during my college years and I didn’t think I would start listening to a band from Denmark. But it was something about their sound that grabbed my attention. Their album “And the Glass Handed Kites” is a masterpiece of rock music and since then, I have been their biggest fan.

Six years ago, I attended their concert in San Francisco and I consider it to be a top 5 concert for me. They haven’t toured North America since but they are set to return this fall. I already bought my ticket. I must be there.

About a month ago, they released their newest studio album and for their upcoming music video, they wanted to incorporate their fans. They had 2,250 fans from all over the world sign up for this music video project. They got it down to 1,000 individual contributions from 65 different countries and I was chosen to be in it!

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