Bruce Bochy had one of the most impressive managerial performances in Game 7 of the World Series

Madison Bumgarner = Boss

The San Francisco Giants just know how to win. As an A’s fan, I am jealous and I wonder what could have been had the A’s made it out of the Wild Card round against the Royals. But it doesn’t matter. What I just witnessed was one of the greatest managerial performances of my lifetime.

Entering this game, all the talk from fans called for Madison Bumgarner to start Game 7. Bumgarner has been amazing this entire postseason run, but manager Bruce Bochy knew that he wouldn’t do that. He had a plan and stuck with it.

Bochy knew that there was a chance that he would have to go to the bullpen early, but opted to keep starter Tim Hudson as long as possible before going to Jeremy Affeldt. Affeldt has been on of the most reliable guys out the pen and Bochy used him just enough to get through a couple tough stretches.

Then entered Bumgarner.

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‘Mike Tyson Mysteries’ is just wonderful

Last night, the new show “Mike Tyson Mysteries” aired and I didn’t get to watch it. However, Tyson himself tweeted out the episode on Twitter last week.

Did I expect a really great show? Not at all. But because I knew that this show would be a little odd, but with a hint of randomness, I like it. Tyson to me has always been a very intelligent guy. Even though he’s had his ups and downs, I find him very intriguing. Add that onto an animated show where his personality gets mixed in with an adult version of Scooby Doo, I can dig it.

Check it out. It’s just the right amount of silliness I like in my animated shows. It doesn’t take itself seriously and that’s what Tyson is all about.

Who needs ugly NFL sweaters when you have ugly NFL cardigans?

The game done changed. Oh man, this is ugly. I love it! Check out the tweet.

I think the 49ers one is calling for me. The sweaters were great. But this is a whole new level. It’s $119 though. But if you have the spending money, you might as well.

What do you think? Would you get these?

10 thoughts on Sunday’s Week 8 NFL games

Here are 10 thoughts after watching the Week 8 games from Sunday.

1– So the Jets are bad. I mean, Geno Smith threw three picks in the first quarter. Backup Mike Vick also contributed to three turnovers. This was not good. I don’t know what kind of identity the Jets team has, but they are looking more and more like a team that seems unprepared and lacking of talent. What a shame.

I do like what the Bills have in Kyle Orton. Not the greatest QB but somehow they’re winning. Losing both CJ Spiller and Fred Jackson is forcing them to pass a little more and that’s actually great. Robert Woods and Sammy Watkins are good young talents. Just make sure you score first before you celebrate.

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It’s possible that some are overstating the impact of Joe Maddon opting out

I think this is on point. I won’t undervalue Maddon as a manager. Successful managers have success when they have talented players. What makes Maddon great is that he is great with the players and he is well-liked and well-respected. Depending on what talent he inherits and how many resources he can work with, we might be able to see what kind of manager he can be in a different setting.

Who should I root for in the World Series?

Couldn’t really do this picture since I don’t own a Giants cap.

I am still sad that my Oakland A’s are no longer in the postseason. But I am still a baseball fan and I care about what happens in this sport. Which leads me to today, Game 1 of the World Series.

Since my team lost to the Royals, naturally I will cheer for the team that eliminated my team. The Royals are exciting and they haven’t had this kind of success since 1985. They play a fun brand of ball and I am an American League guy. I know that team well. They have this really cool fan. I like them. All signs point for me to cheer for the Royals.

On the other hand, the Giants are the Bay Area and I love the city of San Francisco. Any good mojo that comes the Bay Area’s way, is always good. I have no problems with the team. I don’t hate the team like many other A’s fans. I have tons of friends who are Giants fans — with about half of them on the bandwagon — which is annoying. That’s really the only thing I have against the team: all their bandwagon fans.

So who do I root for? Who should I root for? I’m leaning towards the Royals. They are a better storyline. The Giants already had their fun. Let the new team get a slice of the pie. But if it doesn’t, oh well, good for the Giants.

10 thoughts on Sunday’s Week 7 NFL games

Here are 10 thoughts after watching the Week 7 games from Sunday.

1– Peyton Manning is good. He is real good. Breaking that record looked easy for him. It’s a sign of how good this Broncos team can be if they have it all clicking.

On the other hand, the 49ers looked bad. But I don’t think it’s as bad as it seemed. The injuries are mounting up and key players are out of action. It was just a tough situation last night for the team. I think that the 49ers are going to be OK. The West is still up in the air, but the team is in second place and after the bye week, they should be at least a little healthier.

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Remembering the Loma Prieta Earthquake 25 years later

I was only 3 when this earthquake happened. I have no memory of it. But I remember watching old footage of it as a kid later on. My parents had recorded the news broadcast with their VCR. I was fortunate enough to be living in a part of the East Bay that didn’t suffer major damage from this quake. But this earthquake still shakes me up every time I think about it.

Even though I don’t remember any of it and wasn’t affected severely by it, watching old footage of the quake still sends chills down my spine. Earlier this week I was on YouTube just watching some of the videos they had on and I was in tears. It’s still frightening to see all of the damage and lost lives.

I’ve grown up and lived in California for pretty much my entire life. Earthquakes are normal to me. I’ve withstood minor ones over the years and have been fortunate to never have experienced anything like what we had in 1989.

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So what exactly is Colin Kaepernick being fined for?

The face you make when the NFL says you didn’t use a racial slur and still fines you $5500? *shrugs* back to my grind! #IDontGetTired #WhoDoYouLove #Se7enPounds

So the initial fine for the racial slur has been cut in half because a racial slur was never said. So why is Colin Kaepernick still being fined? If it was just for a general profanity, then that must be singling him out. Tons of non-racial profane words are said on the football field yet these players don’t get fined.

I don’t know how the league can police these things. They’re trying and by this situation, it is clear that it isn’t clear at all.

NFL’s deal with Bose is giving Beats By Dre free publicity

With the NFL sealing a deal with Bose this year, it makes sense for the two companies to try to get their deal out in the forefront. In doing so, the NFL is fining any player that is seen with headphones that aren’t Bose during interviews with cameras present. In fact, the fine can be up to $10,000.

It’s a ridiculous fine but if Bose and the NFL want to help their own branding and marketing, such moves make sense. But does Bose end up getting positive PR out of this?

Many of the NFL players have already been wearing headphones by Beats By Dre. In fact, a handful of them have deals with them. So it’s a tough situation for those players. They can either wear their headphones and take the $10,000 fine. Or they can either not wear them. Or they can do what Colin Kaepernick did and put tape over the logo.

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