Check out the new Madden 15 trailer

Now that is realistic.

Adam Silver’s decision on Donald Sterling was the right decision

Adam Silver dropped the hammer.

NBA commissioner Adam Silver has handed out the following punishment to Donald Sterling for his racist remarks.

  • Sterling has been banned for life from the NBA
  • Sterling is fined the maximum $2.5 million — in which the money will be used to help organizations against anti-discrimination
  • The board of governors will force Sterling to sell the team

This was the harshest punishment and it was the right one. Sterling admitted that the voice in the recording is his and Silver says Sterling did not express anything else following.

The forced sale requires at least a 3/4 vote of approval to remove him. Silver says he expects the owners will remove Sterling. If sold, the team could be sold for close to $1 billion.

Silver also said he is not considering the idea of making all Clippers free agents at the end of the season. Of course, this is on the notion that Sterling would not be the owner of the team by then.

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Michael Vick to wear #8 for Jets because he’s a Steve Young fan

Michael Vick has decided not to try to take #7 away from Geno Smith and cause a Jets quarterback controversy. Instead, Vick announced on his Instagram that he will go with #8. According to TMZ, this is a tribute to Steve Young.

Young is a Hall of Famer who shares similar attributes to Vick. Both are lefty quarterbacks who are known to be very mobile. Even though Young is also known to be a very good passer, Vick is hoping that he can reach that level of consistency with his passing.

This isn’t new news for anyone who has followed Vick. Vick has worn #7 for the longest time (dating back to high school) but prior to that, he wore #8 when he was young. He has been a Steve Young fan for a long time. Check out this old video of Vick meeting and praising Young.

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Clippers’ warmup protest was perfectly done

What do the Clippers do to protest Donald Sterling’s racist remarks? Take off the shooting shirts that represent the team name and dump them on the floor.

The Clippers did just that and practiced with their shirts inside out, showing solidarity with each other with the blank shirts.

During the game, the team is also wearing black armbands and black socks.

Strong silent protest. Perfectly done.

Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s racist remarks are sad but not surprising

Donald Sterling doesn’t want black people to show up to his Clippers games.

If the above audio is truly of Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his girlfriend, then we got a huge problem. Claims of Sterling telling his girlfriend not to publicly share photos with black people, including Magic Johnson, is confusing in a world where such actions are normal. But Sterling still lives in a privileged world where he feels he’s above everyone.

Having listened to the audio last night, I felt like punching my computer. It was hateful, it was hurtful. How can a man feel that taking a photo with a man of a different race was a bad thing? Does he not realize there are a ton of fans that are black? And oh yeah, his team has black players and coaches.

But the problem we have with Sterling is that not only has he been a sub par owner, but he’s been an owner with hate in his heart. What about black people does he find so disgusting that he wants no association with? Why does he feel this way?

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Golden State considering to be renamed San Francisco Warriors

Are the Warriors going to call themselves the “San Francisco Warriors?”

Golden State Warriors president and CEO Rick Welts wants to know if the fans would be OK with the idea of the team calling themselves the San Francisco Warriors again.

In an interview with ESPN, Welts says he wants to ask the fans to see if a name change would be something they would favor.

“We’re very curious what our fans think of that,” Welts told “I couldn’t imagine making that decision in the very near future, but we definitely want to see what our fans prefer.”

This comes following the news of the team purchasing land in Mission Bay in San Francisco for a new arena. Also, the team had previous played in San Francisco and went by that name from 1962-71. But since 1971, they were known as the Golden State Warriors.

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Did Stephen Curry get fouled on the final shot?

There was contact, but I agree with the no call.

Looking at the replay, yes there was contact from Chris Paul on Stephen Curry’s hip. Did it alter his shot? Probably. But I don’t think at that moment you can call a foul. I don’t even think in real time you could see a foul there. It looked clean.

The problem you want to complain about is the shot selection. Instead of going for a drive to tie the game, Curry settled for a tough three.

Instead of trying to take the shot, the Warriors could have thrown the ball back to the in-bounder Andre Iguodala for a shot.

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Rams returning to blue and white uniforms in the future?

Rams COO Kevin Demoff has been hinting at a new uniform change for the team and the team has emphasized white recently. For the past two years, the endzone design has been strictly blue and white. During their Thursday night game against the 49ers, the Rams opted to wear all white for their home game.

This latest tweet hints that the team might revert back to their glory days of being a blue and white team. I personally love it since those are one of my favorite uniforms of all time.

But of course, they could also include their previous uniform set of blue and yellow.

Fortunately with their current throwback rules, it can be done. The helmet will remain navy and they can swap out the decals for either looks. Regardless, I am glad they are moving away from their current set. While it was a good one, when they eliminated the gold pants, it really hurt their overall image. A change had to be made. I’m liking where this is going.

Are we crazy to give so much attention to the 2014 NFL regular season schedule release?

When will these two teams meet again?

Well, are we?

In a sense, yes we are. It’s just a schedule release. No other sport gets this kind of hype for their schedule release.

But here we are, waiting to see when our most anticipated matchups will happen.

Sure it’s six months down the line and there’s nothing we can do now once we know when these games are happening. But the anticipation makes it interesting.

I’m biased because I am working with the production team for the unveil tonight at 5PM PT on NFL Network. I’ve been in this business for some time and I have covered these schedule releases. It’s always intriguing to see how certain matchups are viewed and who gets the nationally televised games. The travel, the bye weeks and all that give me my NFL fix in April.

Strap on your seat belts. You’re not crazy. You just love football and I’m cool with that.

Oh good, the Warriors’ plan to play in a pier-based arena that could sink has been scrapped


When I first heard of this idea of playing between Pier 30-32, I thought it was silly. I am not a scientist, but I was pretty convinced that the arena would sink. The location is bad. Now we have news that they are scrapping the idea.

They are moving their plans that aren’t directly at the water. It’s still close, but at least the fear of it sinking won’t cross my mind.

But of course, I would prefer that they stay where they are. There is a major inconvenience that will come if they play in San Francisco. The travel and public transportation would be a nightmare. Plus, the prices of tickets will surely price out fans like me. Good thing – I found this: for my spare time.

Just have them stay in Oakland, please.

Not happening.