Samuel Lam’s 2013 Best and Worst Dressed in sports: NBA edition

Yeah, this matchup was a problem that even the NBA had to address it.

Today is the final day of 2013 and I’m going to do my year in review of the best and worst uniforms of the year. Unfortunately this year there will be no college sports involved (just way too much for me to cover). Let this be a history lesson for everyone to remember what worked and what should never happen again.

This is a list of strictly my opinion, so feel free to agree or disagree or just take it for what it is.

To qualify for this list, the uniform element must be a new set that debuted and was used for in-game action in 2013. That’s pretty much it. Let’s go take a look at the list for National Basketball Association.


** I hope I didn’t miss anything.

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Samuel Lam’s 2013 Best and Worst Dressed in sports: NFL edition

Due to the new helmet rule, the Redskins had to wear this.

Today is the final day of 2013 and I’m going to do my year in review of the best and worst uniforms of the year. Unfortunately this year there will be no college sports involved (just way too much for me to cover). Let this be a history lesson for everyone to remember what worked and what should never happen again.

This is a list of strictly my opinion, so feel free to agree or disagree or just take it for what it is.

To qualify for this list, the uniform element must be a new set that debuted and was used for in-game action in 2013. That’s pretty much it. Let’s go take a look at the list for National Football League.


** I hope I didn’t miss anything.

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Samuel Lam’s 2013 Best and Worst Dressed in sports: NHL edition

Honorable mention for best matchup of the year.

Today is the final day of 2013 and I’m going to do my year in review of the best and worst uniforms of the year. Unfortunately this year there will be no college sports involved (just way too much for me to cover). Let this be a history lesson for everyone to remember what worked and what should never happen again.

This is a list of strictly my opinion, so feel free to agree or disagree or just take it for what it is.

To qualify for this list, the uniform element must be a new set that debuted and was used for in-game action in 2013. That’s pretty much it. Let’s go take a look at the list for National Hockey League.


** I hope I didn’t miss anything.

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Samuel Lam’s 2013 Best and Worst Dressed in sports: MLB edition

The Yankees broke away from uniform tradition in 2013.

Today is the final day of 2013 and I’m going to do my year in review of the best and worst uniforms of the year. Unfortunately this year there will be no college sports involved (just way too much for me to cover). Let this be a history lesson for everyone to remember what worked and what should never happen again.

This is a list of strictly my opinion, so feel free to agree or disagree or just take it for what it is.

To qualify for this list, the uniform element must be a new set that debuted and was used for in-game action in 2013. That’s pretty much it. Let’s go take a look at the list for Major League Baseball.


** I hope I didn’t miss anything.

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Toronto Raptors are having a “Drake Night”

Drake is a very popular rapper. I think his music is OK, but the Toronto native has taken the Raptors by storm. Not only is he the “global ambassador” for the team, but he will have a hand in the team’s new logo and uniform identity.

The Raptors might go away from the raptor dinosaur and might go in the bird direction. After all, Drake’s logo is an owl. Could black and gold be the team’s new colors?

So here we are, having a night dedicated to a Raptors employee and international star. Why not, I guess.

LeBron James should use

I’m pretty sure that going on Google would get you the answer. In fact, you can buy one right off the WWE site.

Or since you are rich and powerful, one of your rich and powerful friends could help you out. I’m pretty sure placing a call to Vince McMahon would be no problem. Maybe John Cena will help you out.

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NFL playoff seeding scenarios feature 192 different possibilities today

Are you ready?

Playoffs? You talking about playoffs?!?!?!?!

This is a very interesting final week of the regular season in the NFL as the only team that has secured a set playoff spot are the Kansas City Chiefs at #5. The rest of the NFL playoff seeding has not been determined yet. But they will after today’s action.

To make some sense out of all this, here are the current playoff scenarios.

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One year ago today: SJSU wins the Military Bowl

One year ago today. I was there. What a great time. Great memories!

To relive them, here’s the tag I used during my trip last year.

This Warriors-Clippers rivalry is the dawning of a new era

Aside from the sleeves we saw today on Christmas, the other buzz people are talking about are the Warriors and Clippers’s new rivalry. They both had a scuffle in their last meeting and a few broke out during their Christmas game.

I initially thought this rivalry between the two was not necessary. It seemed to me that a great rivalry would be against the foes that had been atop the West for a while: the Lakers, Spurs and Thunder.

But now thinking about it, those teams aren’t the top teams anymore. They’re good, but the tide has turned in the West. The Clippers and Warriors are now rising up.

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Whatever you’re celebrating today, enjoy and be safe.

And if you want, you can catch all the sleeves nonsense on TV today.