Report: Tebow’s camp is privately admitting he’s done in the NFL

If he was willing to change out of the QB position to something else, there’s still some hope. But he lacks all the skills a good passer must have.

Defending Oakland and San Francisco sports, fighting #shame and misconceptions of a supposed Bay Area rivalry

A’s take three out of four games vs the Giants.

** A ramble. A rant. Whatever you want to call it, it’s me expressing my thoughts. May not be very coherent, but it’s from the heart. 

I am so glad that this Bay Bridge interleague series is over. As much as I enjoy the battle of the two Bay Area baseball teams, it does bring out the worst out of some people. And for one national writer, it brings out ignorance.

What Jon Heyman addressed in his post may have been partially true in terms of stadium differences, but what he failed to realize was that he was comparing apples to oranges. And in reality, there can’t be a comparison because the differences of Oakland and San Francisco are so far different that this baseball “rivalry” is different from any other interleague series in baseball.

Take it from me. I grew up in the Bay Area. I know both very well. I was born in Oakland, raised in Richmond, attended school in Berkeley, went to church in San Francisco, worked in San Francisco, went to college in San Jose. I know the Bay Area. I’ve been all over the place. I understand Oakland. I understand San Francisco.

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Hitler apparently has gotten a lot of attention this week

What a typo.

So this made the waves on the Internet. This bad typo is pretty comical. Don’t know how they could miss that during editing, but here we are. Details on what happened here.

And this comes days after this Hitler thing came to our attention.

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Who’s Jon Heyman and why is he tweeting hate about the Oakland A’s?

I actually know who Jon Heyman is. He covers all MLB happenings for CBS and is an insider for the MLB Network. He is a national writer. He seems to be pretty good at his job.

But then he tweeted that.

I have a few theories as to what he was trying to do here. Maybe he thought the A’s were hosting a four-game set against the Giants rather than two in Oakland and two in San Francisco.

But I think he really believes that a series like this should be played in AT&T Park only. Apparently to him, such a series can only be played in a nice shiny park. Sure, the Coliseum isn’t like AT&T Park but to put it down like that shows how very little he knows about the fans in Oakland.

Actually, it also shows how unprofessional he is to insult a fanbase based on his own prejudice.

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The blog post in which I express my feelings on the Sharks’ elimination from the playoffs

This photo stinks.

I had only gone to Staples Center once prior and it was also a Sharks-Kings game. Of course, that time the game was in December so it was different and it was three years ago before the Kings became the Kings of hockey. The game tonight was Game 7. It was one of the best seven-game series hockey had to offer in recent years. This was what great hockey was about.

Knowing the Sharks, this season was going to be a struggle and this series wasn’t going to be easy. The Sharks were still trying to find their own identity. But as they tried to do so in this shortened season, they also had to win an important playoff game. It was a tough journey.

I could easily just say that Jonathan Quick was too good, but I won’t. He was good. But the Sharks didn’t challenge him enough. The shots on goal were too easy most times. Credit to the Kings for keeping the area in front of the net congested, but there were numerous times where the Sharks just didn’t give Quick a challenge.

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Giants and A’s wearing batting practice caps for tonight’s game

Wearing batting practice caps for games isn’t out of the ordinary during the regular season. In fact, this past week we’ve seen the Twins and Blue Jays do it.

But this is the first time in my memory that the A’s and Giants will join the trend. New Era confirmed to me via Twitter that their batting practice caps will see the field during tonight’s game.

I think this might be an attempt to help boost merchandise sales or maybe just a way to change things up?

But at least this isn’t an unfamiliar look. These two teams faced each other numerous times during Spring Training, so these two caps being on the field together isn’t a first.

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Appreciating the Spurs as a dynasty like no other

Consistently good for so long.

Call it what you want to, but despite the lack of sex appeal from the San Antonio Spurs, they are exactly what I love about basketball.

Most times dynasties can get boring, but the Spurs aren’t your typical dynasty. They don’t win three straight titles like the Lakers or Bulls. Instead they consistently make the playoffs and every other year, they win a title. They haven’t done it since 2007, but this year’s team could very well get one more.

I look at the core of this Spurs team of Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili and just marvel at how lucky we are to watch these three, along with coach Gregg Popovich, produce such consistency for so long.

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A condensed Bay Bridge Series might be good for A’s and Giants

The root to the Bay Area rivalry between these two teams started in 1989 before Interleague became a fixture in baseball in 1997.

The annual meeting between the Oakland Athletics and San Francisco Giants begin today as the Giants visit Oakland for a two-game set before finishing off the matchup in San Francisco immediately following.

This is the first time that the two teams would play at two venues in consecutive days. This comes as part of MLB’s new approach to Interleague play with both leagues featuring 15 teams.

This might actually be the best approach for this series. Even though three-game sets between the two teams would provide more revenue and excitement, the current format allows the fanbase to get as much out of this rivalry in one week.

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This is how some Americans feel about Memorial Day (NSFW)

Thanks Twitter!

We live in a country where we are allowed to express ourselves with freedom. And with today being Memorial Day, Twitter sadly has given people the outlet to not honor the fallen, but to insult them.

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Even with an opportunity to wear something different, Jim Harbaugh keeps it the same at Indy 500

Jim Harbaugh looking not too different from his coaching outfit.

San Francisco 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh was invited to drive the pace car before the beginning of the Indianapolis 500. He is a part owner of Panther Racing and the driver J.R. Hildebrand crashed four laps into the race.

Too bad.

But what’s really shocking is that even with an opportunity to wear something outside of his normal wear, Harbaugh decided to go with the above look: khakis, black long sleeve and a black cap. Just like what he wears on the sideline.

But of course, I guess they’re really pushing that image of him so why change at all?